Inventory Categories
- General Merchandise
- Home Improvement
- Food Items
- Apparel
- And so much more!
Our Inventory is great for Discount Retail Stores, Online Resellers, Pallet Sales, Auctions, Flea Markets and More! We ship worldwide; our primary warehouse is located in Wooster, OH, but we also have a warehouse in Denver, Colorado! Get in contact with our Sales Team about the different direct ship options we have available.

We are one of the Nations Largest Overstock and Return Management Companies. We hold direct Liquidation contracts with Major Online Retailers and Big Box Retailers Nationwide.

Give Us A Call
Office: 330 601 0800
Truckload Sales: 330 523 0087 (call or text)
Pallet Sales: 330 317 7495

Send Us A Message

1605 Sylvan Rd Wooster, OH 44691